To those of you that walk your dogs without a leash, please, your fur baby must be on a max 6ft leash. I understand that there are doggos that are trained, but the leash is for you and your fur baby safety, as well as others around. You cannot predict what another animal will do. Thank you and have a good day.
Category: Uncategorized
Detroit Beach Association
Meeting Minutes
April 27, 2022
President- Nicole Fitzgerald(Present) Trustee- Tony Spear (Present)
V.P- Victoria Wilcox (Present) Trustee- Fred. Boogren (Present)
Treasurer- Frank Kren (Present)
Secretary- Nancy Mouradjian (Present)
Previous Meeting Minutes- The March meeting minutes were approved. Motion was made for approval by Frank seconded by Victoria. Minutes were accepted by the board in whole.
The March meeting minutes addressed plans and events for/in the community such as safety, beautification, repairs, garage sales and budgets.
Presidents Report
We are sad to announce that Nick, our previous V.P. resigned. We wish him well and want him to know that he will be missed
Please welcome Victoria Wilcox, a longtime resident, as the New V.P. Although she has been on the board in the past, then left and came back last year, we are super excited for the knowledge that she will continue to bring to the table.
Now that committees have been organized, things will have a more organized direction for completion. If you want to volunteer, you must contact us first so that we can direct you to the specific task that is currently being handled. We will get more accomplished by starting on one area, completing it, and then moving on to the next task. This way we can keep on task, not get overwhelmed and stay on budget.
Frenchtown Firefighters had their annual Mothers Day flower sale on May 7th. This is a good cause and usually is quite successful. June 11th is vets with nets and I know many vets are looking forward to this fun and fruitful event.
Garage Sale days are: Thursday, June 2nd; Friday, June 3rd; Saturday, June 4th and Sunday, June 5th.
A majority of late payments continue to come in. If you haven’t paid there is still time to get the HOA dues paid. Paying your due gives you access to the parks/ common areas, pavilion rental and events. Unpaid HOA dues is forfeiture of the privilege to utilize the common areas. The HOA dues are what maintain lawn care, snowplow, building repairs (including pavilions), equipment repair, repaving of parking lots and play areas, mulch for play areas and more.
Committee Reports
Financial/Treasurer Report (Frank)
Frank’s working budget is becoming more accurate as Frank enters the detailed incoming and outgoing of association money that occurs on a regular basis. Creating a factual budget is a work in progress since there was never a budget before. We have a positive budget that is going to allow us to get mulch and maybe start replacing benches and/or picnic tables for Bear Park. The actual budget will go from a working to a functional budget by the annual meeting in July. Frank continues to monitor our bills and works to get the most affordable pricing; doing this allows savings that can be placed back into the community.
Building, Maintenance and Grounds
Tony will measure out what is needed for mulch for the play areas and then have it ordered. Red buds will be donated by Stan Pondell and planted in the park areas at the front of the neighborhood where the Detroit Beach sign is. Brighter solar lights will be put out by the Detroit Beach sign. Tony got in contact with the JAWS program and they will begin assisting with work projects throughout the neighborhood in May.We may be needing volunteers to assist with the committee. Reach out to the us for more information through Facebook messenger, Text only# (734) 393-2765, email or leave a message on our office phone (734) 289-4354
Law and Order Committee
There have been multiple complaints of ATV’s and tiny mini bikes on the roads and, on the roads, driving recklessly. The sheriff was contacted. Please, there are NO ATV’s or mini bikes permitted on the roads. Just because you haven’t been caught does not mean that it is permitted.
Also, there are no motorized vehicles in any of the parks, except Detroit Beach Association equipment. There are signs posted and have been for many years, just because it was not enforced in the past does not mean it is permitted. If you are in the park with a golf cart or other motorized vehicle it puts you at risk of losing your privileges to utilize all parks and common ground for a year from the date of offense.
Parking in the park’s parking areas is for the parks and for the OCCASIONAL overflow of guests you may have at your home, not an extension to your driveway. If a busy event is the case at your home, please contact us and let us know so that we can get your guests temporary guest passes that have to be returned to the office in the dropbox or in person if someone is available. If you are at a park to visit the park, please make sure that you have your pass in the window so that you do not get your vehicle towed or ticketed.
There was a peeping tom issue. The sheriff’s department was called. No other complaints have occurred in regards to this.
There have been many complaints of blight. Let’s clean it up, we all want to live in a nice and neat neighborhood. If you need help, reach out, many have and have received assistance from the wonderful residents. It is easier to ask for help than to pay a blight fine.
Please, keep a vigilant eye on your surroundings. Call the non-emergency, (734) 243-7070, number for the police to look into suspicious activity, this phone number will get a car out asap according to Sheriff Goodnough. The is still functioning for things that do not require immediate assistance. This will help keep our neighborhood safe and looking nice and it’s almost like a type of neighborhood watch.
Beautification and Event Committee
Frank and Victoria. Frank and Victoria will be creating some ideas for Beautification for the neighborhood .If you are interested in being a part of the beautification committee reach out to the us for more information through Facebook messenger, Text only# (734) 393-2765, email or leave a message on our office phone (734) 289-4354
Ongoing Business
Frank, treasurer, is currently working on a digital platform for HOA invoicing and taking payments for the convenience of our residents. The more resident emails that we can get the easier it will be for the treasure to get this system up and running for the residents. So if you are interested in receiving you HOA bill electronically feel free to contact us through Facebook messenger, Text only# (734) 393-2765, email or leave a message on our office phone (734) 289-4354.
Again, Garage sale days will be held June 2, 3, 4 and 5, 2022. This falls on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We hope that everyone is getting their goodies ready to sell.1
Vets with Nets is June 11th. Everyone, especially those that live on Grand Blvd, please put out your flags to show support for our vets.
Bear Park is the focus of our access funds from the budget. The park will receive more mulch to comply with insurance and safety guidelines first. This will consume a majority of the access monies. Hopefully, we will be able to get some new benches and picnic tables for the park. Old tables will be revitalized, if possible, and put at other parks. No other areas will undergo much until Bear Park is complete. We cannot spread ourselves thin financially, physically or mentally. There are a few people taking on massive amounts of work. Thank you to all that have and are helping, it is appreciated.
The areas in the By-laws that were not congruent with the Articles of Incorporation or Michigan State law as well as the areas that need to be clarified are just about finished so that board members can proofread. Once they are proof read, we will have them approved by the attorney. It is also suggested by attorneys that By-laws are updated, even if there is no change to them, every 5 years and that is something that we will implement into the office and Board procedure.
The board continues to improve their functionality to better suit the needs of our residents.
Just a friendly reminder, if there are any complaints that need to be addressed about any board member, please email The email must include the complaint against who, as well as the details, there also need to be a date, time and your name and phone number. This is for legality and official purpose. No phone calls can be accepted for this type of complaint. Hearsay and personal vendettas are not applicable because of easily disputed legality. Not liking someone or having a disagreement is not a viable complaint, it is subjective and will not be accepted for legal purposes
New Business
Motion made for $7,500 for mulch for Bear and Bronson Parks, motion accepted and seconded for the purchase. Mulch will be ordered for Bear Park. Trees being planted throughout acceptable weather in the front of the neighborhood and The Park on Edgewater at 11th, 10th, 9th, and Lakeview.
Two homes, on 2nd and 5th, are scheduled for demolition in May.
Possible neighborhood garden for one of the small parks in the neighborhood
We will be having a facebook Poll to name the parks without a name .
Need a sign for Bronson Park. Maybe a resident would like to donate or make one.
Public Participation
Motion made by Nicole, accepted by Frank and seconded by Victoria. All in favor. Meeting concluded at 8pm
Call Meeting to Order at 7:00 pm by Frank Kren and seconded by Victoria
President- Nicole Fitzgerald(Absent) Trustee- Tony Spear (Present)
V.P- Nicholas Campbell (Present) Trustee- Fred. Boogren (Present)
Treasurer- Frank Kren (Present) Trustee- Victoria Wilcox (Present)
Secretary- Nancy Mouradjian (Present)
Nick declined to run the meeting. The meeting was ran by Frank
Previous Meeting Minutes- None to be approved
Presidents Report
At 6:30 pm all board members did a second vote on a previous,voted in trustee, Tony Spear, due to some concern that quorum was not met. With only one board member, Nicole Fitzgerald, absent, this was a very good opportunity to assure that quorum was met. Frank, Nancy, Fred, and Victoria were a yes. Nick was a No.
Over the winter there was still office business being conducted. There were many HOA payments that were received, which is always a wonderful thing. This is, after all, what pays for the repairs and other types of upkeep as well as any events that are held by and within the association. There was also other paperwork that went out in terms of new homes being sold and some tax paperwork as well as monthly updates to the residents and answering questions or supplying information requested by residents.
The office computer died, and a new one had to be purchased. Since the computer was old, like our printer, the printer was useless with the new computer, since the driver for that printer is obsolete. This caused us to also have to purchase a new printer that was compatible with the new computer.
Presidents Report continued
A majority of the payments that were taken over the late fall months and all of winter were done by phone. This seemed to work for many residents. They loved the convenience and the efficiency of the emailed receipts.
I am sure that many have seen the mention on our many public forums referring to the Firefighters selling flowers and VETs with Nets having their fundraiser at the boat club. The Frenchtown firefighters will be selling flowers, in the front of the neighborhood, for Mother’s Day on May 7, 2022. VETS with Nets will be returning to the boat club again this year to host their event to take Vets out fishing. This event takes place on June 11, 2022 and they ask that everyone, especially those that live on Grand put out their American flag to support our vets.
On Saturday April 2,2022, there was an Easter egg hunt for the residents’ kids. This was such a nice time and a success. Thank you all that were able to come out. Thank you to the residents that paid their HOA fees, because without that, the events like the Easter egg hunt, Christmas and Halloween could not happen. Thank you to all that assisted in the set up and clean up for the Easter egg hunt too. Together, is how we make this neighborhood continually grow into something magically awesome.
Committee Reports
Financial/Treasurer Report (Frank)
Frank’s working budget is becoming more accurate as Frank enters the detailed incoming and outgoing of association money that occurs on a regular basis. Creating a factual budget is a work in progress since there was never a budget before. Currently, we have a first time, positive balance, prior to snow removal reimbursement. This is fantastic because the extra money allows for much needed repairs, painting and beautification within our association. Frank also contacted Charter Spectrum and got our bill lowered, every little bit matters. Frank continues to monitor our bills and works to get the most affordable pricing; doing this allows savings that can be placed back into the community.
Building, Maintenance and Grounds
Official committee leads were not established until this meeting. Tony Spear will head grounds and maintenance. The new slide piece for Bear Park’s playscape slide has been repaired with new equipment. The parks, Bear and Bronson, need more mulch around the play equipment. There was a dwarf Arborvitae planted in the old Oak truck so that we could create something for the kids to create a fairy garden. There is also some graffiti popping up throughout the neighborhood that will be cleaned up.
Tony and Fred will contact JAWS about getting help with cleaning and repairs that are needed throughout the Association. This is a great possible opportunity for the association.
We may be needing volunteers to assist with the committee. Reach out to the us for more information through Facebook messenger, Text only# (734) 393-2765, email or leave a message on our office phone (734) 289-4354
Law and Order Committee
Blight will begin again since the weather is nice, let’s keep our neighborhood looking good. Video cameras are going to be up and running in some of the parks to help deter vandalism. Any damage that is caught on camera will be turned into the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department. Please, keep a vigilant eye on your surroundings. Call the non-emergency, (734) 243-7070, number for the police to look into suspicious activity, this phone number will get a car out asap according to Sheriff Goodnough. The is still functioning for things that do not require immediate assistance. This will help keep our neighborhood safe and looking nice and it’s almost like a type of neighborhood watch.
Beautification and Event Committee
This committee will be led by Frank and Victoria. Frank and Victoria will spearhead the beautification of the neighborhood by planting trees and flowers, things that will just make the neighborhood better. We will be needing volunteers to continually assist the committee with the
beautification. Reach out to the us for more information through Facebook messenger, Text only# (734) 393-2765, email or leave a message on our office phone (734) 289-4354
Ongoing Business
The By-laws have a couple of areas that are not congruent with the Articles of Incorporation or Michigan State law. There are areas that are subjective and need to be clarified. It is also suggested by attorneys that By-laws are updated, even if there is no change to them, every 5 years. The final draft will be submitted to an attorney for accuracy and then remitted to the residents.
The board continues to improve their functionality to better suit the needs of our residents.
New Business
Frank, treasurer, is currently working on a digital platform for HOA invoicing and taking payments for the convenience of our residents. The more resident emails that we can get the easier it will be for the treasure to get this system up and running for the residents.
Garage sale days will be held June 2, 3, 4 and 5, 2022. This falls on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Meetings are now conducted with sign in sheets, at the beginning of each meeting for both the board and the residents. These sign in sheets require board members to print, sign and date the form. The residents have to check in with the treasurer, the treasurer will make sure that your HOA fees are current for participation purposes, then the resident will write their address down, print, sign, and date sign in sheet. This is done for meeting legality purposes.
If there are any complaints that need to be addressed about any board member, please email Within the email there needs to be the complaint against who, as well as the details, there also need to be a date, time and your name and phone number. This is for legality and official purpose. No phone calls can be accepted for this type of complaint. Hearsay and personal vendettas are not applicable because of easily disputed legality. Not liking someone or having a disagreement is not a viable complaint, it is subjective and will not be accepted for legal purposes.
Public Participation
Tim Long needed a tree form. Tim Long’s son can assist with the rubber mulch.
Motion made by Frank and seconded by Victoria. All in favor. Meeting concluded at 7:30pm
‼️Hello Detroit-Beach ResidentsOnly. Zach, a potential purchaser of the Liparoto’s Bakey on Grand Blvd, will be coming to the meeting on May 25th at 7pm, to share his ideas for a local brewery that he would like to open. Please join us to offer valuable input. Thank you. Have a beautiful and safe day.‼️
📣Good evening everyone. If you have purchased or sold a home in Detroit Beach Association since November, please inbox me, email, TEXT ONLY (734) 393-2765 or leave a voicemail with phone number at the office so that I can return your call so that we can update our system. Having a updated system helps us better serve you. Have a wonderful evening. Thank you in advance 📣

Detroit-Beach Residents frenchtown contacted us and expressed that some residents are still using the blue recycling bins for trash. BROWN CANS FOR TRASH ONLY‼️‼️PLEASE STOP USING the LARGE BLUE RECYCLING BINS for GARBAGE. BLUE RECYCLING BINS are for YARD WASTE ONLY.‼️ Thank you