‼️Hello Detroit-Beach ResidentsOnly. Zach, a potential purchaser of the Liparoto’s Bakey on Grand Blvd, will be coming to the meeting on May 25th at 7pm, to share his ideas for a local brewery that he would like to open. Please join us to offer valuable input. Thank you. Have a beautiful and safe day.‼️
Author: NIcole Fitzgerald
📣Good evening everyone. If you have purchased or sold a home in Detroit Beach Association since November, please inbox me, email detroitbeach@sbcglobal.net, TEXT ONLY (734) 393-2765 or leave a voicemail with phone number at the office so that I can return your call so that we can update our system. Having a updated system helps us better serve you. Have a wonderful evening. Thank you in advance 📣

Detroit-Beach Residents frenchtown contacted us and expressed that some residents are still using the blue recycling bins for trash. BROWN CANS FOR TRASH ONLY‼️‼️PLEASE STOP USING the LARGE BLUE RECYCLING BINS for GARBAGE. BLUE RECYCLING BINS are for YARD WASTE ONLY.‼️ Thank you
Detroit-Beach Residents frenchtown contacted us and expressed that some residents are still using the blue recycling bins for trash.‼️‼️PLEASE STOP USING the LARGE BLUE RECYCLING BINS for GARBAGE. BLUE RECYCLING BINS are for YARD WASTE ONLY.‼️ Thank you
I spoke with Kurt Raschke, with Vets with Nets, and he said that the event was a success last year and that they will be having it again this year. The Event will take place at the Detroit Beach Boat Club on June 11, 2022. Kurt asks for the cooperation of the community, especially people that live on Grand BLVD, with putting their American Flags out in support of our country and our vets. Captains and Vet registration as well as more information on the event are availible at www.vetswithnets.org. If you are a captain and a Vet you do not have to register twice.
Roll Call of Trustees : 4 Present 2 absent
President- Nicole Fitzgerald Secretary- Nancy Mouradjian
V.P- Nicholas Campbell Trustee- Fred. Boogren -absent
Treasurer- Frank Kren Trustee- Victoria Wilcox -absent
Office Review
Let me start by saying that I truly hope that everyone is staying safe, warm, and healthy. Thank goodness that the weather is getting more spring-like. We can’t wait to see more people out and enjoying the weather.
The office has still been fairly quiet, with some hum of HOA payments, bills and new owner paperwork. We have continued our work at updating, organizing and streamlining the office system. This is not just being done for efficiency and cost effectiveness but it is being done in order to better serve the residents of this awesome neighborhood.
There was a new trustee application. There was one abstain, two for and one nay.
Please welcome our new Trustee Tony Spear.
There was some to do about the roads not being clear or slippery. In all honesty, most roads in most neighborhoods, from here to downriver, look a lot like ours do, if not worse and these are either county roads or very well funded associations. We understand that it isn’t completely clear and even icy in areas of the neighborhood and we would love to provide completely clear roads in winter all season long, but there is no way for the roads to be completely clear. It is just not cost effective or even feasible on approximately 22 miles of road. The majority of neighborhoods that do have plowing, that is not done by the county, only focus their plowing and salting on the main roads of their neighborhoods. Much time has gone into making phone calls, driving around and emailing to get accurate feedback to give to you. Our snow removal company did purchase salt out of their own pocket to help the community and then dumped the salt for free. For the future, if you have had the grass messed up by the plows, if you did not mark the edge of the lawn by the road with yard markers, the plow company is not responsible for the damage. This is standard practice with a lot of companies including the road commission.
We have to address the snowmobiles since there has been an astounding amount of complaints. We understand wanting to get on our winter toys and get out, go fast and burn off some cooped up frustrations and stress, but snowmobiles are not okay flying down the roads at high speed, or going across someone’s yard, it is not safe. Due to association rules they are not allowed in parks or going down the steps beyond the seawall doors to the lake. Taking a snowmobile down the steps, at the parks, risks damage to those steps. The damage to those steps would cost thousands of dollars to repair.
Please remember that there are No motorized vehicles ever allowed in the parks, there are signs posted in most of the parks, others have been stolen in the past but will be replaced. Motorized vehicles in the parks can cause numerous risks to other residents, animals as well as cause damage to the ground, and we would have to use unnecessary HOA funds to do repairs. Any individual that is caught damaging any park in the association is grounds for suspension of use of all parks within the association (article IV of Bylaws). Now, let’s move onto more upbeat and fun information.
Spring Is Coming
There will be some exciting things happening this spring. There will no longer be a grounds person, there will be a beautification committee that will be responsible for coming up with ideas and executing the improvements upon approval. We will also be creating a maintenance committee that will handle future repairs and putting up holiday decorations within the association. So come to a meeting and join our group. We would love to have you.
We will be starting beautification of the parks and we will need volunteers to complete all of the projects. There are benches that need repair and equipment that needs sandblasting and painting. If anyone is interested in volunteering please call the office @ (734) 289-4353, send a text to the TEXT ONLY (734) 393-2765, E-Mail, or Facebook messenger. Together we can create a better community experience as well as bond as neighbors.
There will be an Easter Egg hunt at Bear park for the residents’ kids and grandkids. The Easter Egg Hunt will happen on Saturday, April 2, 2022 at 1pm sharp. We would love some volunteers for set up, clean up and for overseeing. If you would like to volunteer please call the office @ (734) 289-4353, send a text to the TEXT ONLY (734) 393-2765, E-Mail, or Facebook messenger. We would like to have volunteers for set-up show up at the park an hour and a half prior to the start time. Volunteers to help oversee can show up a half hour prior. Thank you in advance, your help is beyond appreciated.
Meetings will resume on March 30th and will be held every last Wednesday of the month, at 7 pm. If there are changes or cancellations it will be posted on the website, both Facebook pages and on the marque, on the side of the office building. We are looking forward to the hustle of spring. A lot that needs to be done so look for updates in the near future on where and how to volunteer to beautify our community.
There are still some assessments/ HOA dues that still need to be paid and there is a 30% late charge. If you need assistance with a payment plan or are in need of making the assessment payment please feel free to contact us at:
Office- (734) 289-4354
Text Only !!!! (This # DOES NOT Accept CALLS)– (734) 393- 2765
Email- detroitbeach@sbcglobal.net
Contact us to find out how to pay by phone.
or feel free to drop off your check or money order to the office drop box, you can also mail the check or money order to the :
Detroit Beach Association
P.O. Box 176
Monroe, Mi 48161
Have a wonderful and safe February. Thank you for being the best neighbors