Call to Order 6.32 pm 


Roll Call of Trustees

President- Nicole Fitzgerald   (Present)         Trustee- Fred Boogren(Present)

V.P- Victoria Wilcox  (Present)                      Debbie Healy (Present)

Secretary- Nancy Mouradjian  (Present)         

Treasurer- Frank Kren (Presentt)



Motion was made, for the executive meeting minutes to be  approved, by Frank. Five were in favor and one abstained 


There was a quick recap on the  berm issue, that is behind the homes on the north side of Monona. Everyone at the meeting was informed that the berm property that resides on the outskirts of Monrona, that is not owned by Detroit Beach Association,will not have the deterioration survey done on it, paid and implemented by other entities that are not Detroit Beach Association, until that property is out of bankruptcy.   The Army Corps of Engineers sent an email that confirms that no one is to be driving a vehicle (emergency vehicles only) on any berm given; by doing so, it will accelerate deterioration and hinder the performance of the berm. 


There is an ongoing issue with a resident and the residents’ neighbors. Even though we cannot help this group come to a happy medium, we can extend a reminder to be courteous of your neighbors, whether you get along with them or not.  Everyone has the legal right to respectfully live in their own yard, be happy and be able to enjoy their property without aggression from others. 


Great news, now that there are two blight inspectors, we hope to get a lot more accomplished for our problem areas that seem to be overlooked or deemed, by the township, as the issue has being resolved,when it hasn’t. 


The JAWS program has been continuing their work throughout the late fall months and winter season. They helped with Halloween, getting the decorations up and Christmas.  The JAWs program  showed up to just clean up the parks a little and make sure the garbage cans were empty during the winter months. Now that it is spring, we will focus on a more regimented schedule with the JAWS program.  Frank is currently working closely with the head of Jaws to set  up a regular schedule. We recently had the Jaws program out to assist with some graffiti on the seawall at the park that is on Edgewater between 4th and 5th street.  Thank you to Frank and the JAWs program for getting that cleaned up.


The flood gates used to be open Memorial Day to Labor Day. The board voted, 5 in favor 1 abstained, to change the dates.  Now being closed on October 15th and reopened April 1st (Unless Weather Does Not Permit).


Just a reminder, per the RDA, the seawall maintenance is the residents responsibility if the seawall is on your property. The association’s responsibility is the seawall that borders the common ground areas. 


We’ve had a few residents suggest that we allow some residents, first come first serve, to set up their garage sales in Bear Park during garage sale days. The board voted on this idea, 5 in favor 1 abstained, with a contract. We will do the the space rental like the pavilion. For those that do not understand how we rent the pavilion, we simply take a $100  deposit, check, for the pavilion and as long as nothing is left messy, damaged and/or  no one  has driven in the park, the check is generally shredded or given back to the resident. We would apply this same idea to renting a spot in the park for a garage sale. We would mark off spots, for example 10×20, number them and include all that information in a contract that would have to be honored by the renter. The resident renting would be held responsible for their stuff, meaning that the Resident would have to clean up the area every night and if they leave their items set up, Detroit Beach Association will not be held responsible for their personal items, The Resident would also be responsible making sure that their area would be completely undamaged and clean on the final day by 6pm. The Resident would have to honor their contract or they would not get their $100 deposit back. The deposit would be used for cleanup and/or repair. This will be addressed again at the June meeting to get more ideas about this.


There were many liens that went out and a few payment plans set up. There were 12 payment plans set up, wishing there would have been more, and 4 have been paid off. The other payment plans are being paid on regularly and this is wonderful.  We appreciate everyone that made a plan and paid it off or is still working on it, for honoring that payment plan agreement. You all have been wonderful. 


The budget for the upcoming fiscal year 2024/2025 is currently being worked on and will be ready at the upcoming meeting. Inflation has impacted our 2023/2024 budget substantially. Everything  from lawn care, snow removal and office supplies, to electricity and  everything else to making repairs has impacted the budgett. We are considering of proposing a menial increase of the HOA dues on the the 2025 July annual meeting. 


There are still many unpaid dues out there in addition to the 55+ liens that have been initiated; over 10% of the residents have not paid. We do have some good news though,  collections are up. Thanks to Nicole’s diligence in setting up payment plans and tracking down individuals phone numbers to call and set up these payment plans or collect the full amount. 



 With much discussion through the past couple months the majority of the board, with one abstaining, decided that the bear park/ office parking lot be repaired.  Research on companies and getting quotes will begin immediately. 


The picnic tables and benches at Bear park will be painted by the JAWs program. We are hoping to have this completed by the annual meeting in July; weather is the determining factor.


We would love some volunteers from the community as well. We do have the JAWs program but we generally only are able to get 2 people at a time. The more volunteers, the more we can accomplish.


Since we are responsible as an association for the repair of the seawall that borders any common area, We will be utilizing the  JAWS program. We will instruct the JAWs men and/or women as to how to properly do the repairs. The JAWs program will aid  the board members in making repairs this year.




Connie Carroll suggested, for extra help, to get the red shirts.


Connie asked if the rumors were true, that we paid for a resident’s property survey. We explained that we paid half of the survey cost because we were going to have the park on Edgewater at 6th Street surveyed anyway and Jim, the resident that lives just North of the park, property lines touching, needed his property surveyed. We voted that sharing the cost would benefit the association financially and both parties walked away with the survey answers that were needed. 


Bill Geal wanted to know who was responsible for the contract on the wall that resulted in a year warranty and the residents and association responsible for the maintenance on the sea wall. We responded to him  that it was most likely Frenchtown RDA. 


Noka Fanola wanted to know if golf carts were allowed, ATV or mini bikes. We responded that golf carts are the only thing on that list that were permitted. We explained that we abide by the Frenchtown Township Ordinances and they only allow golf carts until dusk. She then asked about chicken and if they were allowed. We responded that according to Frenchtown Township Ordinance chickens are not permitted 



Frank motioned to adjourn the meeting and Victoria seconded. All were in favor.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:13pm